Youth Services
Clinic Based Services
Outpatient Mental Health Services
Services are available to youth ages 3-18 in Barrow, Clarke, Elbert, Greene, Jackson, Madison, Morgan, Oconee, Oglethorpe, and Walton counties. Extended adolescent services are available to youth ages 18-21 that are enrolled in secondary school programs. Contact the local Advantage clinics for available services and clinic hours.
Clinicians in county clinics provide individual, family, and group therapy services to address mental health issues. The primary focus is on resiliency focused direct service with the child and family through individual, family, and group counseling and strengthening links with community resources. Therapy services address a multitude of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, trauma history, hyperactivity, aggression, poor social skills, low self-esteem, mood swings, anger, family conflict, alcohol/drug use, self-injurious behaviors, and suicidal ideation. Groups focus on emotional regulation, social skills, positive communication, and problem-solving skills. Services include behavioral and diagnostic assessments, crisis assessment, outpatient therapy, case management, and psychiatric and nursing evaluations and medication management services.
Clubhouse After-School Group Program
130 Mill Center Blvd
Athens, GA 30606
Monday – Friday; 8:30-6:00
Remix is a 9-month resiliency clubhouse program that follows a DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) model. Remix is an afterschool program that engages children and adolescents in fun activities while developing valuable life and coping skills. All these activities work toward the goal of building resiliency with mental health disorders by engaging youth and helping them manage their behaviors and symptoms. We work towards providing a safe, therapeutic environment for youth to gain a better understanding of their experiences with mental health. At Remix, members will have the opportunity to participate in activities with their peers who have similar experiences. All members of Remix participate in group, individual, and family counseling.
Remix Clubhouse is open to all members of Advantage Behavioral Health Systems ages 8-21. However, transportation can only be provided for the following Clarke County Schools: Gaines Elementary Barnett Shoals Elementary, Barrow Elementary, Cleveland Road Elementary, Clarke Middle, Hillsman Middle, Burney-Harris-Lyons Middle, Clarke Central, and Cedar Shoals.
To be considered for the program, members must have a mental health diagnosis and a therapist must designate that mental health treatment goals can be met using a clubhouse treatment model. Clubhouse members and family must be able to demonstrate that they can fully participate in Remix activities including but not limited to individual and family counseling, family night activities, treatment team meetings, etc.
School Based Counseling Services
APEX (School-Based Mental Health Initiative)
240 Mitchell Bridge Road
Athens, Georgia 30606
Monday – Friday; follows school hours
The APEX program provides individual, group, and family therapy services for clients attending identified schools focused on collaborative treatment for children and adolescents who are facing emotional and behavioral health barriers that impede education and emotional development. APEX emphasizes early detection of children and adolescent mental health needs and providing greater access to mental health services for children and youth through increased coordination between mental health and area schools. APEX provides mental health trainings for schools and the community to increase awareness of mental health issues and address policies and protocol designed to support youth and their families.
APEX serves clients in 12 schools (3 high schools, 4 middle schools, and 5 elementary schools) throughout Madison, Oglethorpe and Clarke Counties. Advantage provides both school and clinic-based services for referred students in APEX served schools. Services include behavioral assessments, individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy, community support services. There is some case management provided by community support individuals and clinicians, although it is limited as that is more often provided by C&A’s CSI program and the System of Care grant.
Community Based Services
Individual Community Support (CSI)
Multiple counties
Paraprofessional staff provide support in all counties for clients and their families who need daily living skill development and/or community coping skill development in a group setting. Should clients have more intensive needs, individual therapy may also be available on a limited basis.
Early Psychosis Intervention Collaborative (EPIC)
240 Mitchell Bridge Road
Athens, GA 30606
Services are provided for clients ages 16-30, in all ten counties, who are experiencing a psychosis-based diagnosis. This is a team-based approach, operating 24/7, where clinicians provide individual, group, and family counseling services. Certified peer specialists, including CPS-P (parent CPS) and CPS-Y (Youth CPS) are available to assist clients and parents. The EPIC program includes utilization of an education specialist to address education and employment needs, psychiatric and nursing services, and interagency service coordination with schools, employment agencies, and assist to link client and families with other community programs and additional ADVANTAGE services as needed. Services are primarily delivered in the home, but also include community services based on need.
System of Care (SOC)
240 Mitchell Bridge Road
Athens, Georgia 30606
Services available in all counties
SOC is a system of comprehensive, collaborative youth/family driven services networking to assist children and youth with or at risk for mental health or other challenges and their families. SOC coordinates interagency collaborative, individualized, culturally competent services to assist clients and their families to increase functioning in home, school, and the community. Our SOC coordinator participates in community interagency planning meetings and youth support collaborations, including Local Interagency Planning Teams (LIPT).
We all experience layers of hurt in our lives, which creates a complexity of human emotions. Our family treatment team will work alongside your loved ones to increase strengths and teach new skills to improve communication. This will help create space for healing and restoration so that family members can experience a more authentic and fulfilling life.
Who can participate in RESTORE?
Families with children ages birth-18 who are experiencing high acuity emotional disturbances can enroll. Our team will offer treatment and support for 9-12 months to each member of the family, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to have their needs met. Insurance is not a barrier to treatment.
Services offered to the family as needed.
Individual Therapy
Family Therapy
Skills Building
Care Coordination
Connection to Resources
Case Management
Parenting Education
Enrollments & Referrals
To be considered for the program you must be a Clarke County resident. To submit a referral please email: rebecca.hiner@advantagebhs.org or call 706.424.8633.