Advantage Behavioral Health Systems

Justice Programs

Court Services
Sometimes people with a serious mental illness or addictive disease become involved with the Criminal Justice system. Even if you’ve made serious mistakes resulting in legal charges, we believe that the accountability of the Court in combination with our treatment can help you avoid future Court involvement. Accountability Court Programs involve close working partnerships between the Court, Probation, the District Attorney’s and Public Defender’s offices, and treatment providers. Everyone on the team wants you to recover so that you can avoid having future legal issues. Accountability Courts can often save thousands of taxpayer dollars while at the same time allowing you to get the help you really need. These programs follow Advantage’s “no wrong door” philosophy by offering the courtroom as an entry to services. Accountability Court Programs involve intensive treatment, case management, and community supervision. If you choose to participate, you are held accountable for your behaviors in immediate, practical, and supportive ways. Potential Participants are referred to the court directly their own attorney, a probation officer, the prosecutor or by their own request.

Mental Health Courts
Mental Health Courts work to offer people with mental illness an alternative to the traditional court system, jail, fines and probation. Mental Health Court Programs are approximately 18 to 24 months in duration and require treatment, random drug tests, and community supervision. You will have frequent contact with the Court who holds you accountable for participating in and following treatment recommendations as well as continuing to follow the law.

Drug Courts
Drug Court programs work with non-violent individuals who have an addictive disease/substance abuse disorder. These programs offer intensive treatment and case management. They also require attendance at 12 step meetings, frequent random drug tests, and close community supervision. They last an average of 18 to 24 months.

Family Dependency Treatment Court
This court focuses on cases of child abuse and neglect that involve a parent with an Addictive Disease. The purpose of the Family Dependency Treatment Court is to protect the safety and welfare of children while giving you as the parent the treatment, tools, and support you need in order to become sober and responsible caregivers.

We are currently partnered with the following Accountability Court Programs:

  • Clarke County Treatment and Accountability Court
  • Athens-Clarke County Family Treatment Court
  • Piedmont Wellness
  • Court Barrow County
  • Piedmont Wellness
  • Court Jackson County
  • Jackson County Drug Court
  • Elbert County Drug Court
  • Walton County Resource Court

Note: Participants enter Treatment Courts by a referral to the Treatment Court. If interested, and charged in one of the Counties listed above, please speak to your attorney about a referral.

The Athens Clarke County Police Co-Responder Program
Police are often called to respond to crisis situations in the community that involve mental illness or addiction. In these cases, as a partner in the ACC Police Department’s Behavioral Health Co- Responder program, Advantage Clincians are partnered with officers to respond to the scene. Co-Responders are able to de-escalate, assess the person’s need on site, and link to services, when needed.

The Athens Day Reporting Center (DRC) is a program through the Georgia Department of Corrections that offers alternatives to incarceration for felony probationers sentenced to the DRC for a) violating their probation or b) as a condition of a new sentence. Day Reporting Centers provide intensive substance abuse treatment for up to 100 offenders sentenced by the Courts who have not responded to more traditional supervision and treatment efforts. The goal of the DRC is to provide the tools participants need to stop the cycle of arrest and re-incarceration. Advantage has partnered with the DRC to offer treatment to DRC participants who are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. Advantage has staff stationed at the DRC to provide on site assessment and therapy.

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